
ITT: The clocks on the client and server.

Answer : Account Out of Sync.

i netlogoncontrol failed

Certificate Enrollment - The RPC Server.
My Other Recent Posts. Desicionmaking on the new Proxy solution; Videos of serverrooms and progress report; Friendfeed Sysadmin Room, Twhirl FF support, and Pretend
Active Directory broken ? Active Directory Hello Unregistered, Our records indicate that you have never posted to our site before!
Hi, I am having an issue with our Enterprise CA. Running Windows 2008 R2 DC's with the certserv running on a DC that is not a GC holding the FSMO roles. Trying to
I have two domain controllers in a Windows 2000 domain. Both are also DNS servers and dc-01 is the DHCP server. dc-01 holds all four FSMO roles. I get the following

I_NetLogonControl failed: Status = 1355. I Failed NCLEX Certificate Enrollment - The RPC Server.

  • When good Domain Controllers go bad!.

Account Out of Sync I_NetLogonControl failed: ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED - answer - Hi, Environment : Windows 2003R2 SP3 32bit SP2 Domain, Windows 2003 R2 64bit SP2 member
11.09.2011 · Explains how to recover from a corrupted Active Directory database or from a similar problem that prevents your computer from starting in normal mode. I_NetLogonControl failed: Status = 1355.

i netlogoncontrol failed


Active Directory broken ? - Petri IT.

Scenario. It’s a pleasant day and all is well with the world. Colleagues are skipping around the office with smiles on faces…until…duh duh daaa!
I_NetLogonControl failed: Status = 1355.
I tried removing the computer object from AD & re-joining but that didn't help. This is ocurring on stations that are working fine otherwise. The only problem is
"Directory Services cannot start" error.

Answer : Trust relationship between this.


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